When I mentioned Centralia and how that plays a part in my third creative work (fourth novel probably, but third published story), I failed you entirely. I offered a snippet that is meaningless without context. Let me now correct that.
I think the third story (fourth novel) will be called Centralia.
Don’t think I intend to explain it, but do assume I intend to share with you the source of that word.
Take but a moment to investigate the history and current status of Centralia, Pennsylvania.
No, I won’t share the course of my idea, but I will admit the astounding reality you discover is in fact the inspiration for this latest tale.
While I dare not share too many details of the latest of my writing endeavors, I want to speak of that which will follow that as yet unwritten. First comes Dreamdarkers. Next comes End of the Warm Season (parts I and II, at least, or so I believe). Although I…
July 8, 2007
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