a wind has blown the rain away and blown

a wind has blown the rain away and blown
the sky away and all the leaves away,
and the trees stand. I think i too have known
autumn too long

           &nbs p;          (and what have you to say,
wind wind wind—did you love somebody
and have you the petal of somewhere in your heart
pinched from dumb summer?
           &nbs p;           &n bsp;                 O crazy daddy
of death dance cruelly for us and start

the last leaf whirling in the final brain
of air!) Let us as we have seen see
doom’s integration………… . a wind has blown the rain

away and the leaves and the sky and the
trees stand:
           &nbs p;    the trees stand. The trees,
suddenly wait against the moon’s face.

[I know not how often I must say this thing, yet I repeat the too oft repeated: e.e.cummings always has something to say that fills my heart with comprehension, with kindred spirit, with companionship]

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