After a week dealing with the hell that is “on call,” my work has not yet ended.
Tomorrow I spend most of the day working on a project that begins at 8 a.m. and ends when it ends.
Oh, then there are the chores and the errands and the tasks. . .and most importantly, The Kids.
And there’s the writing and reading and eating and. . .
Well, you get the point.
I’m ready to move on now. I’m ready to find another job—one preferably married to relocation—where I can work my 8-5 and spend the more important time getting Dreamdarkers out the door, getting started on the first volume of End of the Warm Season, and getting a clear focus on living rather than surviving.
Pardon my lack of activity for the moment. I'm already wiped out, anxiously awaiting Friday when it all ends, yet I have another three hours to go this evening, another twelve or fourteen tomorrow—if I'm lucky to have it be that short, and who knows how much on Friday. It's…
July 18, 2007
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. . .Fire burn and cauldron bubble. 'Tis time yet again to stand upon the forms of angry beasts, to tarry with blade and flame in defense of capitalism. Yes, poppets, tomorrow begins yet another round of being on call for work. I do so wish I could say truthfully…
August 5, 2007
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