I just received my annual Electricity Fact Label (EFL) from TXU Energy. This yearly notice offers a review of my pricing, where my service comes from, and what kind of environmental impact my energy consumption has.
Despite the slightly higher costs, I proudly dove into 100% renewable energy just last April.
With that in mind, here are the facts from my use of the TXU Energy 100% EarthWise plan.
Projected Sources of Power Generation:
- Coal and lignite: 0%
- Natural gas: 0%
- Nuclear: 0%
- Renewable energy: 100%
- Other: 0%
Projected Emissions and Waste per 1,000 kWh Generated:
- Carbon dioxides: 0
- Nitrogen oxides: 0
- Particulates: 0
- Sulfur dioxide: 0
- Nuclear waste: 0
My home is entirely powered by wind. Texas happens to be the place to invest for such things, having become the U.S. capital for wind energy.
Sure, there are other considerations, such as the impact to birds, but I’d rather go this route for now given the climactic devastation other sources cause.
Don’t worry. I’m keeping my options open, keeping my eyes on the routes available.
When a zero-footprint choice presents itself, I’ll be one of the first to grab it.
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