If dawn refuses to give up its golden rays because the hour is as yet too young, I recommend you look around to see if you can find your own sunshine. Sometimes it works for me.
[a plains sunflower (a.k.a. petioled sunflower or prairie sunflower; Helianthus petiolaris) facing east before sunrise; I discovered it along with its friends on the northern shore of White Rock Lake near Pelican Island]

when sunflowers turn to face the coming dawn [plains sunflower (a.k.a. petioled sunflower or prairie sunflower; Helianthus petiolaris)]
January 25, 2010
In "A few of my favorite things"

Life sometimes feels like a flower holding its breath in anticipation of sunshine. It's as though the night is the hardship and stress we all feel, and the day to come is the promise of a better season. And sometimes the night seems to go on forever, to last an…
October 15, 2008
In "Nature Photos"

Flowers and the many faces of those who visit them... a mason wasp (Monobia quadridens) and a white-faced tachinid fly (Archytas apicifer) sharing the bloom of a wild carrot (a.k.a. bishop's lace or Queen Anne's lace; Daucus carota) brownbelted bumble bees (Bombus griseocollis) foraging on aromatic buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) a…
February 3, 2010
In "A few of my favorite things"