Category Archives: Kako

Attack of the feather beasts

In early 1999, only months after adopting Kako and Kazon, Derek and I went on a shopping spree at Cat Connection, returning home a few hours later with all manner of new toys and goodies for The Kids.  Some of those toys included a handful of feathers.

Each of The Kids got a feather, and boy-oh-boy did the fun begin.  Feathers were flying and cats were spinning and leaping and hunting and talking up a storm.  Derek and I laughed uncontrollably as we watched the mayhem unfold.

Sadly, the photos I took were with a very old film-based camera and is evidenced by the quality of the pictures.  That also means I did not get any video.  Irrespective of the lowbrow method of recording the fun, attached are some of the pictures I took that day showing the feather beasts and subsequent bedlam.

One thing you will notice in the photos is that this happened two or three weeks after Grendel‘s hip surgery.  That is why his back-right quarter appears to be new hair growth: it is.  They shaved a large chunk of his body and the photo shows it in an interim state of regrowth.

Loki with a feather in the sneaker (loki10)

Loki put the feather inside Derek’s sneaker, then promptly attacked the sneaker with vicious abandon.  He loves playing with shoes even if there’s no toy surprise inside.

Grendel rolling around with the feather (grendel05)
Grendel rolling around with a feather (grendel06)

Hip surgery or not, Grendel was a wild man with the feathers, rolling around and talking excitedly the whole time.

Kazon having just caught the feather (kazon09)
Kazon rolling around with the feather (kazon)

Kazon loves feathers and had a hard time finding one to play with.  Each time he did, one of the feathers his siblings had would catch his attention.

Kako attacking the feather (kako10)

Kako pounced on the feather and took great joy in conquering the beast before it could do more harm.

Litter box harassment

Kako has recently started acting out her aggressive tendencies in a completely new and laughable way, although it’s certainly not funny to Loki.

As you know, Kako and Loki are not the best of friends.  I’ve always suspected that the animosity in their relationship is based entirely on female competition.  I know: Loki’s a male cat, but he’s stunningly beautiful, prissy, consummately worried about his appearance, and overtly Kako-ish in his verbal abuse of others.  This has long made me suspect that he’s gay.  This, I think, is Kako’s problem with him: he represents a challenge to her dominance as the sole female in the house.

Both of them tend to avoid each other.  He always knows she will hit him arbitrarily if he gets too close, and Kako knows she cannot help but be intolerant of his presence.

Kako in recent months has taken this physical assault practice to a new level.

Let me provide a bit of background first.  All of the litter boxes are covered.  This is a necessity because both Loki and Grendel cannot help but toss litter out of the boxes during what can only be described as the fervent and unnecessarily overzealous need to cover things with great drama.  In fact, Grendel tries to cover the food and water bowls, my food if he gets close to it, glasses of water no matter where I leave them, and anything else deemed worthy of concealment.  Derek and I always laughed that we thought Grendel was trying to dig to China.  He is so obsessed with covering things that he often will swing by the litter box, discover that someone has not done a professional job of covering their business, and will then proceed to dig and cover and throw litter about so that he might demonstrate the proper form for such activities.

Loki, on the other hand, simply has the bad habit of great dramatic gestures when covering things in the litter box, and these sweeping moves tend to launch much of the litter out onto the floor.  There are times when he uses restraint, but most often, he shovels instead of covers.

Within the first year after adopting Grendel and Loki, much of my time each day was spent putting litter back in the boxes because at least half of it would be excavated by the time I returned home from work.  This litter quarrying also took place while I was home.  Whether it be while I was right there watching or already in bed trying to sleep, notification of the digging was always to be found in hearing the continued and strident scratching in the litter boxes.  I was never able to teach them not to do it, so eventually I switched to covered litter boxes to maintain some control over how much of it would end up on the floor.

Now, back to the Kako and Loki story…

Because the litter boxes are covered, there is only one way in and one way out.  A few months ago, I noticed Kako taking greater interest when Loki was going to the bathroom.  My first thought was that she had a gross toilet fetish.  That assumption was cast aside as it became clear that Loki was the only one she was watching.  This piqued my curiosity since, as I have already pointed out, they do not generally get along with each other.  What possible interest could there be in her watching her mortal enemy address his biological compulsions?  It would take only days after that for me to fully comprehend what she was up to.

As I sat on the couch reading one Sunday afternoon, I saw peripherally Loki climb into the litter box.  Kako, who had been resting just a few feet away, immediately got up and walked with great stealth until she was beside the box near the entrance.  She watched intently as Loki got situated, made his sacrifice to the great litter god, covered his business with great care, then turned to step out of the box.  This is when Kako made her move.

She immediately stood up and swatted his head as it poked out from the entrance.  Loki recoiled in horror as this took him completely by surprise.  I saw his eyes open wide and focus on the entrance where this hidden enemy was sheltered just out of sight.  With a bit more trepidation than before, he again made a move to exit the litter box, and again Kako began wildly swinging at him and hitting him in the face.

I laughed!  It was indeed a cruel trick to play, and she was quite serious in her determination.  She would not be swayed from antagonizing and terrorizing him, especially under circumstances where his superior physical prowess was nullified.  There was only one way in and one way out, and she had it covered from a safe vantage point where she was unreachable so long as he was in the box.  Any attempt to stick his head out immediately resulted in more attacks.  Clever girl.

My attempt to reprimand her was futile because of my own laughter.  Despite that failure, it did get her attention for the brief moment Loki needed, so he used that second of her inattention to leap from the box.  Kako, in turn, bolted.  She stands no chance against him when they are on equal footing.  He’s larger, stronger, faster, and more athletic, not to mention a whole lot meaner, and she knows clearly that he will clean her clock if necessary, something she is ill prepared to stop.

This new game continues to occur anytime she realizes he’s in one of the litter boxes.  It’s not all the time, so he does find opportunity to deal with his bathroom obligations without interference.  I still cannot help but be entertained by it when it does happen.  I chastise her, of course, and remind her that he doesn’t bother her when she’s going potty, but as usual she doesn’t listen to me and continues tormenting him when possible.

Boycott Iams

I never use Iams pet foods.  Because my cats need prescription food to address a very specific issue for Kako, because the food I use is the most highly recommended by my veterinarians, and because Iams products have inherently been unwelcome by my pets (dogs and cats alike), there has never been a need in my house to purchase their products.  I do know people who use them, however, and now I have reason to tell them to switch to a different brand.

Imagine my horror to learn only recently that Iams has made the torture, mutilation, mistreatment, and killing of animals (from cats to dogs to rabbits to chicks to…) a part of their normal research and product development.  The abuse of animals performed by Iams even breached Proctor & Gamble’s own “Animal Welfare Research Policy” which was forced on the company by shareholders offended by Iams’ practices.  To add insult to injury, Iams even funded research by a doctor at Wright State University who had been charged formally by the USDA for willfully violating the federal Animal Welfare Act (subsequently settled out of court by the university, as it did not wish to face trial).

Despite being a PETA-organized site (I abhor PETA for their tactics, although I agree in principle with their intent), all you need to know about the Iams terror is at Iams Cruelty.  It took me hours to get through the site.  The horrors were too much for me to absorb in one sitting, therefore I had to walk away from it repeatedly and come back to it later.  The biggest problem?  My tears were interfering with my ability to comprehend the material I was reading.  I could not help lamenting what I was seeing: a company sworn to providing for pets intentionally torturing, killing, mutilating, and mistreating them in the name of research.  Would consumers think they were doing the best for their pets if they truly understood what buying Iams products was actually funding?

Iams appears to be guilty of offenses against animals that no one should tolerate.  It horrifies me to think that a company misrepresents itself as caring for animals while it secretly conducts barbarous research on them and mistreats them with obvious disdain.  All I can recommend is that you visit the site and gain a clear understanding about what Iams is doing to the animals they claim to protect.  This is hypocrisy at its most horrendous.

There is a video at the site showing what the PETA investigator found at the Iams research lab.  While I cannot stress enough that it is worth your time in order to understand the horrors taking place there, I will also warn you that it is more than disturbing.  I wept and could not watch it in a single sitting.  I was forced to walk away from it several times in order to gain my composure and ability to sit for a few more moments to watch more of it.  You see animals kept in cages that cannot provide comfort, treated like commodities and slabs of meat, existing in conditions that make them fear and even abhor the presence of humans, given only minimal care equivalent to brutality, forced to insanity by their captivity and horrendous treatment, physically mutilated to induce disease or further research into food products, and a great many other terrible sights that should overwhelm even the most stoic of hearts.  My very being was offended by what I beheld.

I contain no words to communicate properly the offense that Iams has committed.  A company billing itself as caring for animals, manufacturing products to ensure the health and welfare of pets, conducts itself in direct contradiction of that claim and intentionally harms the very pets that it deceives consumers into believing that it cares for.  It offends me on levels I did not deem possible.  Until the company demonstrates with third-party confirmation that such practices have been halted entirely, that they are no longer funding torturous experiments by modern day Dr. Frankensteins, and that they have abandoned for all time the abuse and murder of animals, I strongly recommend that you boycott the company.  If that proves insufficient, perhaps a boycott of Proctor & Gamble as a whole will be in order, not to mention any company that does business with them.

She was surprisingly agreeable

We have been to the vet and made it home safely with nary a wound to show for it.  Kako got her annual vaccinations and checkup.  She is in excellent health just as I suspected.

Branded “very unpleasant” by the very same veterinary clinic after she wreaked all manner of havoc during an emergency visit to treat a urinary tract infection, I was suspicious of her motives when during this visit they referred to her as “quite pleasant” and “well behaved” and “a good girl”.  I stood in awe while she tolerated the poking and prodding, the clipping of her nails, the violations of her body, and various other embarrassments thrust upon her by the well meaning veterinary community.  Only during the final part of the exam did she finally tire of the whole charade and voiced her displeasure with a few strategic growls, all the while trying to climb under my sweatshirt.

I was thrilled with her!  Kako is not recognized for her patience or gentleness during such times.  Despite that fact, she was a shockingly courteous young lady.  She even sat idly by and enjoyed my constant stroking of her fur while the vet and I talked about Grendel‘s progress.  Realizing that he is her man, I accepted her willingness to wait those few extra minutes as signs of selfishness.  Whatever discomfort she might have endured was eclipsed by her need to ensure Grendel was well and would be around to fulfill her needs.

Exam, vaccinations and discussions addressed, we packed up our things, picked up a refill of Grendel’s steroids, grabbed some cat food, then headed home.  Vocal on the way to the vet, our return journey was punctuated by a few quiet meows.  She was thrilled when we arrived home and leaped from the pet carrier with enthusiasm and, dare I say, a bit of disgust.  Nevertheless, she came right to me for attention and undoubtedly an apology.  She received both.

In observance of her unusual composure under stressful circumstances, they were all treated to yummy helpings of fresh tuna.  I gave her extra recognition by holding her in my lap and feeding her this special treat by hand, a move she always appreciates and enjoys.

Kudos aside, I strongly believe my punishment will come later.  Her timing is impeccable, albeit sneaky.  Unsuspecting and unaware, I will eventually let my guard down and she will seek her vengeance.  That’s my girl!