Manuscript, part 1

Formatted as it appears in the kinda-like-this version of the manuscript, herein lies the initial tidbit I’m going to give you from The Breaking of Worlds I: The Wedge in the Doorway.  Oh, yes, there’s more to come.  Like the first three chapters.

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Dark Fantasy
227,000 words


The Breaking of Worlds I: The Wedge in the Doorway

a novel by

Jason M. Hogle


Copyright © 2013 Jason M. Hogle

All Rights Reserved

Jason M. Hogle

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events or locales is entirely coincidental.
THE BREAKING OF WORLDS I: THE WEDGE IN THE DOORWAY. Copyright © 2013 by Jason M. Hogle. All rights reserved.
Excerpt of Walt Whitman’s “The Mystic Trumpeter” from LEAVES OF GRASS.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

The Breaking of Worlds I

The Wedge in the Doorway


If Greek mythology teaches a single unflinching truth, it is that mortals and gods never live peacefully together. Most people have forgotten this lesson, but the gods have not. The war against humanity has begun.


We know what happened to those who chanced to meet the Great God Pan, and those who are wise know that all symbols are symbols of something, not of nothing. It was, indeed, an exquisite symbol beneath which men long ago veiled their knowledge of the most awful, most secret forces which lie at the heart of all things; forces before which the souls of men must wither and die and blacken, as their bodies blacken under the electric current. Such forces cannot be named, cannot be spoken, cannot be imagined except under a veil and a symbol, a symbol to the most of us appearing a quaint, poetic fancy, to some a foolish tale. But you and I, at all events, have known something of the terror that may dwell in the secret place of life, manifested under human flesh; that which is without form taking to itself a form.
Arthur Machen
The Great God Pan


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Nothing in this world is hidden forever. The gold which has lain for centuries unsuspected in the ground, reveals itself one day on the surface. Sand turns traitor, and betrays the footstep that has passed over it; water gives back to the tell-tale surface the body that has been drowned. Fire itself leaves the confession, in ashes, of the substance consumed in it. Hate breaks its prison-secrecy in the thoughts, through the doorway of the eyes; and Love finds the Judas who betrays it by a kiss. Look where we will, the inevitable law of revelation is one of the laws of nature: the lasting preservation of a secret is a miracle which the world has never yet seen.
Wilkie Collins
No Name 


Part One – Dark Dreamscape


I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.
Rene Descartes
Meditations on First Philosophy


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What gulf-ascended hand is this, that grips
My spirit as with chains, and from the sound
And light of dreamland, draws me to the bound
Where darkness waits with wide, expectant lips?

Clark Ashton Smith
Shadow of Nightmare

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