I received this e-mail today:
[W]e would like to purchase the use of a photograph from your website. Please let me know how to proceed and I can send you further information about our company.
It’s from a reputable company with a history of publishing a variety of nature field guides (among other things).
Kinda cool, huh? Let’s see what happens. . .

The first photo I ever licensed put money in my pocket and my name in a book, so here are the details along with the image
December 20, 2010
In "Nature Photos"
While I'm still waiting on the final word regarding publication of a photograph in a regional nature guide, I received yet another request for licensing rights for one of my pictures. This one, however, has me looking askance at best. I'm writing to you on behalf of [...] an independent…
February 9, 2008
In "Photo News"
I have in my hands the final contract for use of one of my photographs in a wildflower field guide. How marvelous to see a company utilize integrity and fairness when dealing with the copyrighted material of others. The contract is simple, clear, and precise. It spells out in no…
April 21, 2008
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