AOL is losing customers

I considered it good news when I came across this little story today.  Apparently, in the last year or so, AOL has hemorrhaged more than one million — that's 1,000,000 — of their dial-up customers.  It would seem customers are jumping ship despite the company's feeble and irrelevant attempts to save their specious little wanna-be Internet service.  If you remember my last entry about AOL, you know that there's no love lost between that behemoth company and innocent little ol' me.  Well, I'm hoping this downward trend continued — and accelerates — leaving AOL Time Warner in serious financial trouble and leaving no choice for the too-large company but to split (that merger should never have been approved).  Here's hoping AOHell gets a bit of the same disservice they've been dishing out for years.  Oh, and for those customers who haven't left yet — get a real Internet provider!

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