And where is the body?

Given my fascination with tattoos, piercings and working out, you undoubtedly realize my overriding interest in body modification.  No, I'm not talking about excessive changes (I won't be covered in tattoos from head to toe and I won't be pierced in every conceivable place).  I am of the mind, however, that it's my body and I can do with it as I please — meaning making changes to it until I'm happy.  We're all given the clay to work with, the question is whether we're willing to try and mold something out of it.  In that spirit, I'm creating a new section on my site to track my body stats.  As you might have guessed, it's called Body.  I'll be updating it as often as I feel appropriate — which means as I make progress in achieving my goals and feel I've made enough gains to warrant an update.

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