The whole site is my blog

Some of you have asked for the easiest way to view all of my blog entries.  It seems there's some confusion about precisely which parts of xenogere / strange behavior / actually constitute my blog.

The truth is that the entire site is my blog — not just a particular topic.

For instance, Ramblings is where I post entries that have no other valid categorization, but that's not the only place where I blog.  On the contrary, the entire category structure is only intended to break down my blog entries into categories so that specific entries can be located a bit easier.

As an example, if you're looking for all of the funnies I've posted, you could look at the Humor topic.  Likewise if you're looking for everything I've posted about exercising, you should look in the Exercise topic.

But if you're looking for a way to view my blog (the entire site) in the order it was entered (regardless of the topic it's in), the best way to do that is to go through the archives shown in the sidebar on the left side of the site.  This allows you to view all of the posts — regardless of categorization — in chronological order.  This is the way the entries were posted and will give you a better overview of the blog as a whole rather than individual topics within the blog.

The archives are categorized by date.  When you open a particular month, it will then list that month's entries in normal chronological order (reverse order — newest to oldest).

This is the only way to view the entire blog in context.  Searching through the individual categories will allow you to see the entries under specific categories, but that's a convenience function and not the recommended way to read the blog (since the topics are isolated, they don't accurately represent my journal).

Of course the recommended way to stay on top of my blogging is to visit the site regularly (at least once a day would be best).  The front page shows the last 10 entries, and the "What happened?" box on the right shows the last ten entries that have already been pushed off of the front page.  Since I post often, the front page is normally the easiest way to see the posts in the proper order.

I hope that helps clarify how the site works.

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