Funny how that applies to the presidential race

The more I looked at yesterday's Random Thought, the more I realized how it aptly describes this year's presidential election.  Assuming that we ignore Nader's involvement (he won't win, so let's only consider those with a chance), the only two candidates left are equally undesirable.

George Bush (Dubya) has shown a complete disregard for the Constitution (Patriot Act and Patriot Act II), the Geneva Convention (Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib), the American people (another culture war on the gay marriage issue and an inability to separate church and state), and has created the most divided populace ever known in this country.

John Kerry is a follower, not a leader, and hasn't a clue how to handle the country.  He's provided no answers or suggestions on how he would do things differently — all he's done is throw out complaints with no real answers to the issues.  Spineless jellyfish is one of the most common thoughts I have when I think about Kerry.  And his willingness to circumvent the law to get what he wants (when he considered declining the Democratic nomination so he could continue to accept soft money contributions) tells me that he's too morally flexible to be a good and true leader.

In either case, the election will be decided by choosing the lesser of two evils.

So I'm left thinking to myself that yesterday's Random Thought so very aptly describes the race between these two inept politicians and provides an outlook on what we Americans can expect depending on which one gets elected.  The next four years are going to suck for us no matter what happens.


More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads.  One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness.  The other, to total extinction.  Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.

— Woody Allen

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