Happy Thanksgiving 2004

I'd like to wish all Americans a happy and safe Thanksgiving.  I hope we all pause long enough today to be thankful for what we have, what we've been given, what we must fight for, and what we stand for (some of which has been lost in recent years but can be restored through diligence and dedication to the American dream).

We are still a great nation despite having some of our greatness tainted and some of our moral fortitude corrupted.  We may have temporarily lost our way, but it is not a permanent condition.

On a more personal level, take time to be thankful for family and friends and loved ones.  We do not say "I love you" and "thank you" often enough in this country.  Take today as an opportunity to change that.

In that spirit, I want to say "thank you" and "I love you" to all of my friends and family.  You are my strength and joy and partners in life and crime.

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