
I was visiting The Poor Man today and stumbled across a site that I just had to share with you.

You may remember when I introduced you to Rate My Kitten.  I have been so thoroughly entertained by that site.

It is with the same sense of silly self-indulgence that I discovered KittenWar.  The Poor Man is a cat fanatic like me (among other similarities) and, via his blog, brought this new site to my attention.

If you've ever heard of sites where people compete with each other for the best vote based on looks, you'll understand the concept behind KittenWar.  But the intent is not so much to vote one animal down versus another, at least not for me.  No, this is indeed one of those guilty pleasures where I go to enjoy the pictures of cats and kittens — hard core kitten porn as The Poor Man puts it.

It's terribly cute, like Rate My Kitten, so take a quick jaunt over there and get your war on.

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