Random Thoughts reexamined

I've decided to revisit the Random Thoughts portion of the site.  Rather than try to port over the thousands of database entries I had in the old site (more than 2500 as of today), I'm relaunching Random Thoughts as of tomorrow, September 1.  This will allow me to revisit the Random Thoughts database and extend it with current material while removing some amount of older junk that I no longer wish to use.

So, if you've seen the Random Thoughts on my old site over the last few years, you may — read as "will" — see at least some of them again as I move forward with the new site.  Still, I only update them once per day as time permits…

The new Random Thought archive is now outside of the normal blog chronology, so they'll no longer be viewable as the first post of every month.  They'll now only be accessible from the site link in the About section of the sidebar on the right.  This helps ensure they don't blur the lines between static and dynamic content and inadvertently skew my normal post statistics.

The entry that's on the site right now (as of 8/31) will remain as the Random Thought of the day through September 1 (tomorrow) so that I can kick off the new schema on the first of the month.

Sadly, I looked for more automated options of managing the Random Thoughts.  I was unable to find anything that could integrate with WordPress and easily handle the >2500 entries I currently have.  Oh well…

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