
You know, I was just thinking to myself that America should invade Venezuela.  Could be fun, eh?

Syria's wake-up call from the rest of the world.  I wonder if they'll actually get the point and respond accordingly.

Google's making money hand over fist.  Wish my daddy owned the bank.

BottleOfBlog.  Good stuff.

Now Target wants to decide what prescriptions you can and can't have.  Pathetic and offensive.

Sea spiders are living fossils.  And don't they look fascinating?

That we were all lucky enough to have him as our doctor under those circumstances.

Check out this photo of Dione, one of Saturn's moons, orbiting just above the planet's rings (which can be seen edge-on at the bottom of the photo and whose shadows provide the fantastic lined texture at the top).

Kansas' Supreme Court hands down a little common sense and equality for gays in that state.  I quote: "Moral disapproval of a group cannot be a legitimate state interest."  There are a lot of people across the country who have yet to realize the truth in that statement.

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