Fatigue, frustration, fretfulness

I think that accurately describes work right now.  I'm so tired of running and running all the time, and I never catch up.  It's the infinitely long list of projects, the constant influx of more work, the fact that management is completely out of touch and only contacts me to bitch (hey, even I would appreciate some graciousness once in a while), I've not been able to catch up on my e-mail since I took a week of vacation several months ago (I just can't seem to get it under 400!), and the company as a whole is out of touch with its employees.

I get called all the time after hours and on the weekends (five times just this past weekend).  We have unannounced changes being introduced all the time, and by peer IT teams nonetheless.  (I would expect that from non-IT teams, but one would hope that folks in IT wouldn't intentionally screw other folks in IT.)  My team can't even keep up with its own projects because of our workload, yet we keep having more and more of them heaped upon us, or our existing projects re-prioritized arbitrarily.  It's all so terribly mind-numbing.

There are times when all I want to do is get up and walk out.  Sadly, I've not found a sugar daddy yet, so I still have to pay the bills around here.  Besides, The Kids are so demanding, always wanting new toys, food and treats, medical care, furniture, transportation to this affair and the next, and a climate-controlled home.  Cats.  What idiot said they were independent?  If they were, they'd go out, get a damn job, and start paying their own way around here…  That's OK; I love them anyway.

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