
12 nights of riots in France, and they're steadily expanding through the country.  This is becoming worrisome.

The University of Arkansas has shown that liquid water can exist on Mars.

After record-breaking profits by major energy companies (think ExxonMobil), oil industry executives are defiant that they aren't profiteering.  We're told prices are high because of natural disasters and problems in the Middle East and lack of supply with too high demand and a litany of other excuses, so explain to me how they can rake in profits that break all U.S. corporate records.

This cat gets pwned, but only after a rather amusing attempt to intimidate the other cat.

Pat Robertson said the recent tornado in Indiana and Kentucky was God's wrath, and it was all in response to Warren Beatty and Annette Bening not agreeing with Arnold Schwarzenegger.  "After examining recent election results for Vandurburgh County, Indiana, an expert stated that 'it is now quite obvious that God hates Republicans'."

Republicans in Congress want an investigation into the leak of the CIA's secret prison system as reported in The Washington Post.  They seem entirely disinterested in asking why America has secret prisons outside of the country and what that means for our American ideals that we so falsely claim to uphold.

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