This damn Texas weather

I came down with something this weekend, hence my lack of interest in posting yesterday.  I spent the entire day sleeping and being otherwise miserable.  It's just a simple cold, but the sore throat, aches and pains, and general malaise are unwelcome visitors during this holiday time.  Damn it!

Anyway, I'm catching up on chores today — as much as possible — but will not be running any marathons.  At least I feel better than I did yesterday, but that's probably not saying much.  Still, I promise to post more today.  It'll happen between naps, I'm sure.

As for being sick, this roller coaster Texas weather does it.  Warm and humid one day, then briskly cold the next; sunny and clear in the morning, then temperatures dropping throughout the day with high winds and clouds and rain.  The point is that I'm not sure why more Texans don't die from this stuff when we go through the wild back-and-forth transitions during seasonal changes.  We get a hard freeze one morning and have 80-degree temperatures the next.

Well, I'll gladly suffer through it.  Weather fascinates me, and the rapid-fire changes that take place in Texas certainly provide some of the best and most diverse meteorological experiences to be had.  It's a gift of our geographic location.

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