is playing dirty politics appears to be deleting all negative reviews of Cindy Sheehan’s new book.  They also did this with Michelle Malkin’s latest but supposedly stopped the practice after many complaints.  Apparently they did not really stop the practice but instead swung it to the other end of the political spectrum.

The very idea that is editorializing customer reviews — a function they claim to offer in good faith so that potential buyers can see all feedback — is horrendous.  Amazon is using their own review system to push a political agenda which is contrary to the democratic service these reviews normally offer.  They are intended to be independent of the company and thereby provide a reliable overview of product responses.

Personally, I do not like Cindy Sheehan and have no intention of reading her book.  She is a wishy-washy complainer who espouses and practices her political agenda with the sole purpose of getting her name in the headlines.  Her platform is also one of hate and intolerance and belittling any who disagree with her.  This makes her nothing more than a pawn and a sad little woman who has lost her way — definitely not someone I will waste my time or energy listening to or reading.

Yes, that is my opinion and you may differ, but there has been nothing as of yet which countermands that presumption on my part.  For that reason alone I will not read this garbage, just as I did not and will not read Michelle Malkin’s gibberish.

But, as one review stated after his review was removed, “why has my review been removed? the book is poorly written and she does her political view a disservice when she espouses hatred. why does amazon censor reviews? does someone on amazon’s staff allow their political viewpoint to override free speech?”

Amazon is ultimately negating whatever trust their customers might have had in the public review of their products.  I know of these two examples, and I suspect there are many more to be found by the diligent investigator.

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