Ford reverses course

I mentioned recently that Ford caved to the radical Christian fundamentalist movement when threatened with a boycott.  In response, Ford endorsed the AFA’s bigotry and hatred by agreeing to pull all advertising and support of gay publications and community activities.  All manner of gay hell has befallen Ford since they made that decision.  After public outcries from many national groups and the promise of a significant backlash and massive boycott, Ford reversed its decision.  The automaker abandoned its previous capitulation to the far-right.

In a letter posted on Ford’s web site, the company said its luxury brands which had caved to the AFA “made a business decision about their media plans and it would be inconsistent with the way we manage our business to direct them to do otherwise.”  In other words, “Oops, we made a mistake.”  To prove Ford had no intention of getting dragged into this social and culture war, they have agreed to advertise all eight of their brands in gay publications and to continue supporting community events.

This is a significant event.  It proves the backlash was sufficient to make Ford reverse its decision.  More importantly, we gained footing with Ford’s expansion of their investment in this market and community.  I’m thrilled with this development and am proud of Ford for endorsing inclusiveness and equality.  The prior decision endorsed a policy of hatred, exclusivity and bigotry.  I suggest we leave that to the churches.

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