I want to draw your attention to this article at Slate which discusses within the confines of American history some context of The War on Christmas™. While I refuse to add any legitimacy to John Gibson’s book about it (he’s from FAUX News, of course, and hasn’t a clue what the fuck he’s talking about — with regards to everything, not just this in particular), I will point out that they draw your attention to some discrepancies with his puritanically theocratic view. Conservatives and liberals never cease to amaze me in how readily they ignore the truth in order to demonize their partisan adversaries. Again, politics retards everything it touches, and that includes people and government.
Update [2:26 PM CST]: While I’m on the subject of FAUX News… Well, I’m not really on that subject. Yes, I mentioned it casually in one minor regard meant only to communicate some level of context about John Gibson, but anyway… Speaking of FAUX News, I’ve mentioned before that BottleOfBlog was more than worthy of your time. I’ve referred to it on occasion. I bet you still haven’t gone over there to read a damn thing, yes? Well, go read this for his reponse to Bill O’Reilly, also of FAUX News fame, regarding The War on Christmas™. He always says with sharp wit and sarcasm precisely what is running through my head, although I pounced on Gibson instead of O’Reilly. We can’t all be perfect, damn it!