
Tangled Bank #44, Carnival of the Liberals #3, the 25th Skeptics’ Circle, and Friday Ark #68 are all available for your enjoyment.

Read Zoom is in the moon for a thoughtfully told memory of a beloved cat who finally had to say goodbye.  Really, go read it now.

The U.S. Government is indeed investigating hyperspace technology.  Many such attempts have been made and all have failed, so I won’t be holding my breath on this one either — but I will keep my fingers crossed.

NBC has confirmed it is investigating whether Bush et al. were/are spying on CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.  Remember, all this illegal spying is to protect the country from terrorism, and we all know CNN is a terrorist organization and would have no legitimate reason to speak to terrorists or terrorism suspects.  Are you finally getting the idea of how out of control this is, how much it looks like an “enemies list,” and how very frightened it should make you?

On a related note, Homeland Security is now reading private mail.  Are you scared yet?

Remember my brief post about Lonnie Latham, the Southern Baptist preacher who is an outspoken critic of homosexuals who was also arrested for propositioning a male police office for oral sex?  Remember I also mentioned a post at Pharyngula covering the same news story?  Well, if you want to see how Christians are responding to the news, take a look at this comment over at Pharyngula.  Pathetic little Baptist wench demonstrating her true Christian colors.

Tom DeLay is out as the Republican House Majority Leader.  His fall from grace is not yet over, but I suspect there will be many of those in Congress as the Jack Abrmaoff lobbying scandal continues to grow (having made a deal, he’s gonna name names…).

Oh, speaking of Abramoff, apparently he is also linked to Tyco.  Now, keep in mind that Tyco has significant problems due to its financial misbehavior.  Given their links to Abramoff, can you guess what two ongoing scandals are going to collide?  Yes, I suspect it will be the whole business finance fiasco and the newly front-and-center political lobbying/financing disaster in which Abramoff has center stage.

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