I broke a few things

After finishing the site upgrade I was working on, I’ve already noticed some things that aren’t working correctly.  For instance, working pages now report that they’re missing even though I’m still able to access them through the administrative interface.  Odd, but not surprising as this version of the engine uses a completely different URL rewrite method.  I’ve also discovered that some of the e-mail functionality is dead.  The first example I noticed was that not all comment notifications are being sent.  Nothing is ever easy…

If you run across something that’s not working, just send me an e-mail or leave a comment on this post.

An accounting of 2005

As I’m a whore for trends, let me do something everyone else is doing: recapping 2005.

I recovered a friendship I thought forever aborted; I made new friends.

I realized only I can fulfill my dreams of being a writer (more specifically, a novelist), and I decided to pursue that with diligence; I rediscovered the joys of blogging.

I learned that I am truly happy with my life.  Sure, I’d still like to find a sugar daddy, but overall things are going well.  I found that being a quirkyalone is normal.

I learned that even in light of a great tragedy and loss, people still behave deplorably and selfishly; similarly, I saw both the best and worst of humanity.

I learned.

I learned that America is no longer the greatest nation on the planet; I learned that our Constitution and ideals have become meaningless; I learned that bigotry and hatred are earmarks of a church-state joining.

I love and am loved.

I experienced in a thousand ways both exquisiteness and repulsiveness; also, from time to time I intentionally and inadvertently created some of both.

People whom I have never met peeked into my life and responded to my ramblings; many of them accurately comprehended what I was trying to convey.

I’m still employed; this is a good thing.

I gave and received both good and bad advice.

I found joy in that I am still unable to see animals hurt without feeling pain and anger, to see great tragedy without being compelled to action, to use any person as a stepping stone, to bow to anyone, to deceive unnecessarily, to hurt intentionally, to follow rules without reason, to manipulate without cause, to believe in the righteousness of religion, or to say “yes” to narrow-minded and inept people who assume they are fit to lead when they are not.

I created and destroyed.

I reaffirmed that the Bible is used most often as a weapon of mass destruction.

I witnessed the abhorrent betrayal of familial love.

I learned the difference between need and desire.

I continued to see the intricacies and secrets of the universe unfolding before my eyes; I saw more evidence of scientific fact; I saw more scientific heresy; I saw significant escalations in the war on science.

I wept as many great Americans passed away into cosmic history; I rejoiced in their many accomplishments and contributions.

I turned 35 and survived unscathed.

I lived; I mean I really lived.

I heard, saw, and read the news.  I wept, laughed, pounded my fists and shouted in anger, donated time and money, wrote letters, felt betrayed, and learned to hope for a better day.

I found the wonder and enlightenment of other people’s blogs.

I fell in love with the new Lexus IS 350.  Come to Daddy…

I worried about The Kids, found great joy in their love and companionship, found confirmation that they are my children, and was made happy innumerable times.

I celebrated the life of a dear friend lost to disease.

I walked in the beauty of the natural world which surrounds me, enjoyed the wildlife, stood in the shade of foliage green and diverse, listened to and felt the warblings of birds both common and extraordinary, watched in awe as birds of prey lighted upon wings broad and powerful, allowed a baby opossum to perch in my tree only inches from my face as we stared into each other’s eyes in complete absorption, photographed the wonders of the world found just outside my own door, and lived the unbroken chain of seasons as they made existence their own.

I spent far too much money on clothing with every intention of doing it again.

I remembered time spent with loved ones can be grand and rare and priceless.

I learned that the words “I love you” are said far too infrequently, and we often realize only when it’s too late that we should have said them.

‘The Prophet’: On Talking

On why people should talk less but say more…

You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;
And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.
And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.
For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.

There are those among you who seek the talkative through fear of being alone.
The silence of aloneness reveals to their eyes their naked selves and they would escape.
And there are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand.
And there are those who have the truth within them, but they tell it not in words.
In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.

Random Thought

Whenever I dwell for any length of time on my own shortcomings, they gradually begin to seem mild, harmless, rather engaging little things, not at all like the staring defects in other people’s characters.

— Margaret Halsey