I can see how marriage needs protection

My friend Nathalie sent me an e-mail yesterday that I just have to share with you.  As part of a kidnapping investigation and trial in Iowa, a certain marriage contract has come to light that should scare anyone.  It should also demonstrate that marriage isn’t at risk from gays: it’s greatest risk comes from nuts like this who use it as a weapon of enslavement and abuse.  As Nathalie said:

Seen like this, marriage adds a certain “je-ne-sais-quoi” to an union, no?

You can see the contract here at The Smoking Gun.  It’s four pages long, so be sure to read through all of them to get the real impact of what this guy thought marriage should mean to his wife.  Given the nature of this “demented, and very graphic, contract,” is anyone surprised that he would also use it to justify kidnapping?

“So set aside ten minutes—and prepare to be repulsed.”

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