Free association

My, how time flies.  It’s already time for another installment of free association.  I wonder if by now there might be some telling psychological truth in my responses thus far…

In common fashion, here are the terms for this week.  My responses are below the fold so as not to sway your answers if you care to play along via the comments.

  1. Baby step::
  2. Wasted::
  3. Reggie::
  4. Pitiful::
  5. Acting out::
  6. Tomato::
  7. Bad night::
  8. Trip::
  9. Finance charges::
  10. Sport::

And here’s my brain dump for the week…

  1. Baby step:: learning to walk or too scared to leap
  2. Wasted:: youth
  3. Reggie:: Jackson
  4. Pitiful:: religious antagonism
  5. Acting out:: aggressions
  6. Tomato:: basil soup
  7. Bad night:: I never got his name
  8. Trip:: Connor Trinneer — Yum! (Commander Charlie “Trip” Tucker from Star Trek: Enterprise)
  9. Finance charges:: suck
  10. Sport:: utility gas guzzler

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