
Check out this photo of Saturn’s moon Enceladus.  Notice the edge-on rings just below it and the shadow they cast on Saturn itself at the top of the picture.  What a fantastic photograph, and it’s in natural light!

I mentioned before the ongoing research into hyperspace technologies that would allow faster-than-light travel.  It’s important to note that this is ongoing research throughout the science world.

An interesting dilemma for anti-choice abortion opponents.

You simply must go read this letter from a mother to her current children to be read twelve years in the future.  It is not only a heartfelt beseechment to men, but it is a poignant and critical insight into what it should mean to be human.  It has implications on so many levels that it cannot be explained.  Just go read it.

A new crustacean was discovered that has covering parts of its body sinuous, hair-like strands that resemble silky, blond fur.  The animal is so unique that a new family and genus had to be created for it.  You can see a larger picture Pharyngula.

DarkSyde’s Science Friday is about the possibility of intelligent life in the universe.

Time to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” as far as SCOTUS is concerned.  Isn’t it time for Congress to repeal this backward law so people wanting to serve their country can do so?

A mammal believed extinct for 11 million years is discovered alive and well in Laos.  This is called the Lazarus Effect — the sudden “resurrection” of a species long thought extinct.

Is your color laser printer tracking your activities?

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