Grab your life jacket

It has been raining for three days.  Here in the White Rock Lake area of Dallas, we’ve received about 8 inches of rain since Friday.  Other areas in the metroplex have seen more than 11 inches.  Drought or no drought, this weekend has gone a long way in giving us the desperately needed rain that we’ve missed for almost a year.  To add insult to injury, the power has been out since before noon and only came on about an hour ago.

I’m now trying to catch up on chores given that most of them require electricity and that has been in short supply all day.  Forgive me for not posting more.  I had grandiose intentions to get several items uploaded today.  Sadly, lacking power made that impossible.  I’m now at least hoping I can get a few things done around the house before it’s time to go to bed.

Oh, and one more thing: we’re expecting more rain throughout the night and into tomorrow morning.  I may need to grab a canoe to get to work in the morning.

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