Insects and nightmares

If you didn’t fear insects before, you will now.  All you need do is watch this video of a giant centipede eating a mouse and you will be convinced.  It’s worth watching, I promise, and only until you comprehend the size of the insect beast will you fully appreciate how disturbing and very cool it is.

I can only imagine how The Kids would react to such a monstrous interloper in their domain.  In fact, I would fear for their safety given it’s abilities and size, yet I’m confident they’d triumph over any creature presenting such a challenge.  They are, after all, the most successful land predators outside of humans.  I’m quite sure they’d teach the colossal ogre a bit of humility mixed with a dose of pain — or a whole lot of pain, actually — assuming it didn’t get to them first.

Just go watch it.  You won’t be disappointed.  It’s truly fascinating to see.

[via Apostropher]

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