My inspiration for writing

My inspiration for writing is life, from the mundane details of living to the latest political claptrap to The Kids to my friends and family to the minutiae of existence.  There remains no sacred territory about which I can not find something to say.

Perhaps I heard a song that inspires within me some torrent of emotion begging posit to the world.  It need not be a song on the radio or from a CD, however, as I am capable of hearing within the beating heart of life songs of the universe itself.  The drops of rain bombarding the pavement of a city street rhythmically call forth the drum of nature and the voice of renewal.  Warbling birds and the cry of the raptor reprise operatic intonations.  The rush of wind or the soft caress of a light breeze offers the clarion call of climate and change.  A friendly voice bears witness to calamity or delight begging a tale be told.

Endless stimuli abound for the ardent listener willing to hear, and in the hearing can be found all manner of inspiration.  Whether beckoning for philosophical contemplation or political opinion, or even simple accounts of general living, more and more I am overcome by the multitude of words inherent in all that is.

In the writing, words move ideas and dislodge thought, yet it remains unfettered by them.  Even the most plain can be overwhelmingly magnificent and beautiful by telling.

It is in the telling that I find catharsis.  Equally, it is in the unadorned and the elaborate that I find inspiration.  A leaf falling to the ground.  A pair of birds building a nest.  The orbit of planets and galaxies.  My cats sleeping quietly during a lazy afternoon.  An e-mail from my mother bidding me success.  By exploring with words both the ordinary and exotic, I live infinite lives in a single day, stand on many worlds without leaving my own, experience great and magnificent things through the power of my own mind, and find within it all magnitudes of greatness heretofore unrealized and unimagined.

In the river of experience, I stand and bathe, and its currents provide nourishment for creativity.

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