Some Easter reading

Of course I don’t believe in Easter, nor do I celebrate it.  Come on!  Don’t be so daft, poppets.  But because it’s Easter, yet another holiday stolen from secular and pagan sources (yes, stolen just like Christmas), I am not adverse to honoring its ancient heritage and true meaning as a celebration of the Spring Equinox.  Allow me to demonstrate my holiday spirit by providing some absolute must-reads.

DarkSyde’s If I Were Christian should be required reading at all educational levels.  Consider what you know of Christianity and the supposed meaning of the religion — everything you thought you knew about how they should act and what they were about — and relate that to your own life.  Now, go read what DarkSyde has to say.  Are you of absolute certainty Christians of today can make this claim without exploding?  Are they not required by fear of eternal damnation to instead espouse the same disingenuous ideology painted in comfortably joyous earth tones yet enacted with vengeance and fury engorged with angry reds?

PZ’s Easter mourning embodies my rebellious side that wishes nothing more than the public excoriation and rebuke of Christianity.  He presents so ably the precise thoughts I share when most fatigued and vexed by the burden of Jesus’ apparent bitter hatred and intolerance.  The question of “What would Jesus do?” has become lost in mayhem spurned forward at the heel of a mob mentality bent on the destruction of all who are different.  This is a somewhat belligerent yet heartfelt response to the new testament followers that appear unable to objectively view the world and their own faith.  Frightened of eternal damnation, critical thinking is betrayed as blasphemy when in fact it should be encouraged and endorsed.

Go read them.  Both will challenge you in different ways, and both are more than worth your time.

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