
Here’s a bit of humor for your Wednesday morning.  Go read Eric’s Ode To The Frog Whom I Dislodged Unceremoniously By Accident From The Outdoor Light Fixture With The Garden Hose Yesterday While Washing The Deck In The Cool Of The Evening And Nursing A Large Aberlour.  It’s a quick read that certainly will tickle your funny bone.

Ryland gives a quick recap of the war on Christianity.  It would appear “the forces of atheism, secularism, and humanism” haven’t accomplished much considering how loudly the Christians are screaming.

This is rather disturbing: this man has been capturing neighborhood cats and promptly taking them to be euthanized, and we’re not talking about feral cats; we’re talking about family pets.

I come in the name of Jesus, bitch!.  This video is disturbing, but for me it’s mostly the bad hair.  Still, you have to enjoy it when he says, “You fucked up, huh? You know your ass is doomed.”  Goddamnit, praise the lord!

“Scientific Illiteracy and the Partisan Takeover of Biology”.  Yes, it’s about the un-intelligent design movement in the Republican party.  I’m tired of religion trying to subjugate true science.  On the same token, then, why shouldn’t science be allowed to legally challenge religious teachings in churches?  I’d like to see biologists and paleontologists (and whatever other flavor of “-ists” as would be deemed appropriate) take the fight to the IDiots rather than waiting for it to come knocking.  Let’s challenge in court any religious teaching of creationism as false and misleading science, detrimental to the scientific and technological welfare of America, responsible for our rapidly declining expertise and leadership in science around the globe, and the major cause of declining educational standards, then let’s see if we can force them to teach evolution along with creationism in Sunday school.  Better yet, I’d like a sticker put on all bibles sold that states the idea of creationism is controversial and not supported by a single shred of evidence (along with the rest of the book, but let’s start small and work our way up).  I imagine neither idea would be too popular, eh?

Transparent butterflies.  How very cool.

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