The national anthem in Spanish

This is an interesting engagement of patriotism and common sense.  I don’t know how you feel about the American national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, being inappropriately co-opted and violated for the sake of the immigration debate, but I feel strongly about this one in a manner opposite my general standing on the issue overall.

Leave the damn song alone.

You see, it’s America’s song, a symbol of our nation that stands on its own two feet, and it is and forever should remain in English.  This may seem a trite and somewhat pedantic opinion, perhaps even a bit unintentionally jingoistic, but there is some level of patriotic anger that arises when something as meaningful and sacred as a national anthem is defiled by such blatant hijacking.  I’m confident this feeling is the same as that felt by most Muslims when they see terrorists using their peaceful religion for political purposes.

Francis Scott Key surely must be rolling in his grave at this point.

I see the new Spanish version of the song as spittle in the face of Americans.  I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel.  Again, I know this seems a rather minor consideration in the scheme of things, but it’s not: it’s our national anthem, for fuck’s sake!

What this essentially means is that Latinos have commandeered the song and changed it to suit their needs.  Apparently, those responsible for this felt they could not be Americans unless they had their own version of our national anthem.

I have long felt that anyone wishing to be a member of our society should learn English at least at a sixth-grade level in order to be able to function in the majority of circumstances.  This little endeavor seems to be taking us in the wrong direction, I’m afraid.

Consider this: It is America’s song.  Americans speak English.  The song was written in English.  It is our country’s national anthem and represents our society.  Are you following the logic?

Sing the damn thing as it is meant to be: in English and without modification.  Do not offend our heritage.

You see, poppets, we did not make the national language Spanglish simply because so many Spanish-speaking people were coming to our borders seeking refuge and opportunity.  We did not change the colors of our flag to include those of other nations simply because people emigrated from those countries and came knocking on our doors.  We did not expand our national bird into a category to compensate for the melting pot of nationalities coming to America.

And we sure as hell don’t modify our national anthem because immigrants won’t learn English or want to make it their own.  Such action will alienate a great many supporters of the immigrant struggle currently taking place here, and support for amnesty and/or citizenship will be hurt by this.  Come on!  Let’s use some common sense, shall we?

While I realize this stance places me squarely on the conservative side of this issue, I stand with them proudly in this respect.  Leave our national anthem alone, will you?  Instead of trying to make this country in your own image, understand it’s our society and you must meet us on our terms.  It offends — or certainly should offend — every American to have this blatant mangling of our national anthem standing there before us like some repulsive disfigurement.

I’m sorry, but this is not acceptable to me, and it certainly shouldn’t be to any American.  There are times when inclusiveness and tolerance are assaulted, and this is just such a time.

Just leave the song alone.

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