Open thread

The 12th Carnival of the Liberals focuses on the separation of church and state, although it also covers a lot more progressive territory.

Two fascinating movies made from the European Space Agency’s Huygens spacecraft’s descent on Saturn’s giant moon Titan.  I can not stress enough how cool these are.

Interested in a career in medicine but not sure what discipline you’re interested in?  The Huffington Post provides advice on how to choose a career in medicine.  This is quite funny.

“A matchbox-sized robot that can infiltrate a pack of cockroaches and influence their collective behaviour has been developed by European scientists.”  It “smells and acts just like a roach, fooling the real insects into accepting it as one of their own. Through its behaviour, the robot can persuade a group of cockroaches to venture out into the light despite their normal preference for the dark, for example.”

RealClimate has a review of Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, about Al Gore’s efforts to educate the public about global warming.  It’s an interesting review of the film and worth reading if you are at all interested in seeing the movie (or, better yet, understanding some of the science it addresses, including some flaws in Gore’s presentation).

The 66th Carnival of Education is available with the entries arranged under the titles for the five skits from Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

Go check out this video about the Christmas Island crab migration.  Hundreds of millions of crabs migrate to the island for mating, then an innumerable count of young are born and reverse the migration.  It’s fascinating and overwhelming to see how they inundate the island each year.  That’s a whole lotta crab.  [via Biomes Blog]

Another amateur bible scholar argues about homosexuality.  It doesn’t end pretty for the self-proclaimed Christian, but he cuts his own throat when forced to admit he’s a bigot.

The 34th Skeptics’ Circle is a gem of a carnival this time around.  Go get your doubt on.

Wing your way over to I and the Bird #23 for lots of great avian news.  The photos are definitely worth seeing, although their presentation leaves much to be desired.

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