Continuation of immigration contemplation

Where shall I begin?  I mean, given Bush’s speech last night…

He actually said this: “We’re a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws.”  Who does he think he’s kidding?  Hundreds of laws he’s disregarded with blatant antipathy toward any semblance of such respect.  What made him think we’d buy it this time?  Suddenly, NSA domestic spying aside, the law means something?  Ha!  I scoff at thee.  More than 750 laws the man has broken

We’re to send thousands of National Guard troops to the southern border.  Um, sure.  That’s going to help.  I already said why I think it’s a bad idea, but it goes well beyond that personal impression.

I was pleased to see a guest worker plan outlined with at least minimal effort.  Radical Right members already are foaming at the mouth about it.  Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) said, “The simple truth is that if you break the law to come to this country, you will not respect it once you’re here.”  Oh, you mean like Dubya, right?  And the Republican-controlled Congress guilty of looking the other way and forsaking its constitutional oversight responsibility?  Still, I’d prefer to see very specific details about how this program would ultimately work.  I suspect it’s more smoke screeen than substance.  Of course, some call it the “historically doomed, dangerous, and utterly unmanageable amnesty proposal.”  Oh, and those are Republicans!  Despite the gloom and doom, I remain unconvinced for or against the plan without details — and lots of ’em.

If we’re in a war with terror and must always consider security for the homeland in all we do, tell me why Bush said this: “First, the United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security.”  Are we not concerned about terrorists running to our borders before the gates close so they can enter the United States and wreak havoc and destruction?  Why would we tell them such a thing?  Correct me if I’m wrong, but does that not sound like an obfuscated invitation?  And almost five years after 9/11, is he telling us he’s accomplished nothing with regard to securing the homeland’s borders?  Are you kidding?

Aside from those points, the entire song-and-dance routine equated to nothing more than additional hot air from the self-proclaimed dictator of America.  I wish I could say I was disappointed.  There remains no substantial information upon which to satiate concerns, although sufficient problems were created or exacerbated to warrant apprehension.  I’m glad I didn’t watch it; I would have been sick for days.

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