The atheist test

And now for this week’s internet quiz…

There are several things about this test that stand out.  My atheism is not strictly anti-religion.  You see, I have plenty of friends and family who are religious and with whom I have no beefs, and I do not react harshly to discussion of religion or even prayer before a meal.  I can respect people of faith even though I wholeheartedly disagree with them.  I would even date a religious person, although I suspect there would be much friction on that topic should they engage in proselytization to a degree beyond a casual mention now and again.

Of note is that there are a handful of questions in the test that I believe have more than one correct answer (at least for me).  For that reason, I took it twice.  While my initial result is below, my score differed in that I was “Satan’s Lil’ Helper” when I used the second set of answers that I felt might be appropriate.  I obviously fall somewhere in between.  That score was 83%.

Ultimately, I’m somewhat Pyrrhonian about faith: I accept that religion exists; I accept that many subscribe to religious beliefs; I know the faithful rarely listen to reason, logic, and argument, and that they blindly follow what they were taught as children to be the absolute truth regardless of any doubts they might secretly harbor or contrary evidence to which they are exposed; I am skeptical of religion as a whole based on both personal experience and history; I see theistic claims as irreconcilable with every shred of evidence available; I clearly see religious texts as misinterpreted, misrepresented, and misguided, not to mention centuries out of step with humanity and our social progress; I know followers of religion tend to be closed-minded and unaccepting of critical, skeptical, or scientific discussion that requires objectivity, something the faithful lack or refuse in regard to their beliefs; I know the good within humanity does not require a god in order to be valid, even going so far as to proclaim it well above and superior to any religion; I do not hate people for their religious faith and can agree to disagree with them while retaining close relationships with the same; I find religion laughably inappropriate, lacking, invalid, and otherwise unnecessary; I do not intentionally confront those of faith in the hope of convincing them they are wrong (this is often futile and counterproductive as they see such attempts as attacks on their god rather than the basis of their beliefs); and I live in tranquility undisturbed by the burden of religious belief.  For me, being a good person is inherent and natural, and I require no superstition or mysticism to reinforce the need to be so inclined.

For those of you who are religious, you can still take the test as it accounts for those who believe to some degree or another, and perhaps it will tell you how much or how little your theism is at odds with your atheism.

The Ardent Atheist
The results are in, and it appears that you have scored 77%…
You are an atheist, pure and simple. You think God is just one big lie, and consider religious people to be both annoying and beneath you. Ardent atheists will argue tooth and claw for their position, and have no truck with people that won’t listen. You think being an atheist is the only way to lead an honest life, and see no reason to accept the pleas of faith. Ardent atheists are the backbone of atheism. Be proud.
ardent atheist
Link: The Atheist Test

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