Open thread

Conservative Fatigue Syndrome.  If you think conservatives aren’t feeling the perpetual heat from defending the Bush régime time and again, you absolutely must read this.  It’s entertaining and enlightening at the same time, and it certainly expresses what many on the Right are now feeling.  [via UTI]

ScienceBlogs recently started asking their resident bloggers a weekly question.  The latest question is “If you could shake the public and make them understand one scientific idea, what would it be?”  Not all of the bloggers have responded yet, but Kevin Vranes of No Se Nada has — and it’s absolutely fantastic!.  It’ll only take you a minute or two (it’s not a long response), but it is thought-provoking, contemplative, and even philosophically profound in the most evident of ways.

23 is the name of one of the cats over at animal family.  Go take a look at a day in the life of 23.  It’s very cute.  Don’t worry; it’s mostly pictures with little text for those confused by all those words.

And while we’re talking about cute kitty pictures, this is Harper, and this is Harper sleeping with his sister Miss Ramona.  To die for…

Go read Sen. Russ Feingold’s response to the gay marriage amendment slithering its way through the Senate.  You see, the Republicans rammed it through committee in a closed-door session tucked away from the public and press — and we’re talking about a constitutional amendment here!  Feingold calls them on the carpet for such an underhanded approach.

Trading Freedom for Safety: Right Wing Edition.  Mark is a Republican and takes a vehement and thoughtful stand against our continuing loss of freedom.

And because you can never have too many cute animal pics, I offer you Baby  Go ahead; you know you want it.  Ooh and aah to your heart’s content.  I did.

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