Now Bush says the courts can not interfere with his activities

It just keeps getting better and better with this group.  If you thought all previous indications of his intention to declare himself king and dictator extraordinaire were just political claptrap, see what this administration says about the ACLU lawsuit filed to stop the sharing of phone records without court overight:

The Bush administration has urged a judge to dismiss a similar case, saying it threatens to divulge state secrets and jeopardize national security. The government argued in briefs that the courts cannot decide the constitutionality of the president’s asserted wartime powers to eavesdrop on Americans without warrants.

You read that correctly.  Dubya and his increasingly despotic régime have just declared themselves above reproach and outside the purview of the courts.  Essentially, Bush is saying he can do what he wants when he wants regardless of constitutionality, and he’s clearly telling the courts they have no jurisdiction over what the Executive Branch is doing.

They’re obviously reading a different constitution than I am.  The idea behind the courts is to ensure judicial review and oversight of both the legislative and executive processes.  This responsibility focuses primarily on ensuring the constitutionality of their actions.  If the President believes himself above the Constitution and the mechanisms it defines for protecting we the people, we might as well not have a constitution at all, and this also seems to indicate we can get rid of the courts since he’s also voided their responsibilities.

But you see, our sacred Constitution spells out that the courts are inherently designed to provide us with an avenue for petitioning the government for a redress of grievances.  That, poppets, is a First Amendment right.  I know we’ve apparently suspended the First Amendment with Christianity taking over government, no more freedom of speech, and so on, but when does it stop?

And in case you thought there was some logic to his argument, let’s look at one of the various Federalist Papers as written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, some of the founders of our great nation and fathers of the Constitution.  Here’s what they said about the courts:

The complete independence of the courts of justice is peculiarly essential in a limited Constitution. By a limited Constitution, I understand one which contains certain specified exceptions to the legislative authority; such, for instance, as that it shall pass no bills of attainder, no ex-post-facto laws, and the like. Limitations of this kind can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void. Without this, all the reservations of particular rights or privileges would amount to nothing.

You got that right!  Our founding fathers and authors of the Constitution specifically knew that the courts were the people’s avenue for ensuring our constitutional rights and protections were not infringed by the other branches of government, yet here stands Preznit Numbnuts telling us he is above the Constitution and the courts have no right to interfere with his activities.

I’d say it’s official: we’re a dictatorship, a monarchy, a theocratic plutocracy, a once-great nation now reduced to despotic rule by a corrupt régime of evil men who do not respect or believe in the American ideals and liberties that once made our nation the land of the free.  The law no longer applies to anyone except we the people, and the Constitution is a cool document but has no influence or bearing on what the government can and can not do.

Honestly, poppets, how much longer can this go on?  How many more rights and freedoms and protections will be swept away as we watch from the sidelines and weep for what is lost?  How much longer will we allow our country to degrade into everything we once abhorred all in the name of security?

I no longer recognize this place.

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