Free association

Since I’ve missed two weeks of this due to extenuating circumstances, I’m consolidating those two weeks into a single entry.  Here’s the free association.  I’ll try to keep up in the future.

As always, you’re welcome to play along in the comments if you so choose, and my responses are below the fold.

  1. Band ::
  2. Tan ::
  3. Mount ::
  4. Arcade ::
  5. Customize ::
  6. Hamburger ::
  7. Solid ::
  8. Forbidden ::
  9. Deter ::
  10. Torment ::
  11. Voice ::
  12. Us ::
  13. Passionately ::
  14. Humbly ::
  15. Love songs ::
  16. Dim ::
  17. Calendar ::
  18. Careless ::
  19. Block ::
  20. Goal ::

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Random Thought

But I am mistaken in speaking of a Christian republic; the terms are mutually exclusive. Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence. Its spirit is so favorable to tyranny that it always profits such a regime. True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not mind; this short life counts for too little in their eyes.

— Jean Jacques Rousseau

What Brady are you?

I’ve been quite remiss in keeping up with my normal schedule here.  I’ve not posted a quiz in two weeks.  So, what do I have to say for myself?  Get over it.

Anyway, let’s start the week with a quiz, then I’ll finish it back on schedule with another quiz Friday.

You Are Greg Brady
Greg Brady

Outta sight! Suave and all American, you tend to be clean cut and upstanding.
You’re friendly with most people and a huge flirt (sometimes even with family members!).

The great escape

Thunderstorms were brewing to the west.  Also to the west is DFW International Airport.  If you look in the top center of the photo, you’ll see a tiny spec.  It’s a jumbo jet departing DFW rising high and running fast from the approaching storm.  Click on it for a larger version.

A jumbo jet trying to get above and ahead of approaching thunderstorms (139_3993)

Must be time for lunch

I just enjoyed a delightfully long and relaxing, albeit hot and sweaty, walk at the lake.  The experience also produced more than a gigabyte of new photos and videos.  I’ll start going through all of it a bit later today and will begin posting the goodies as time permits.  Mind you, I still have a lot of other photos and videos to post as well.

In the interim, I’m going to find something for lunch and sit down with a cold beer (that, of course, only after much slurping of water).