Open thread

Grand Rounds 2.37 is quite extensive this time around.  Go see the best from the medical blogosphere.  If you don’t normally read through the whole thing, go ahead and search for the entry on the benefits of naps as an example of some of the interesting news you can find in this carnival.

Speaking of medical blogosphere, you know how much I love reading Dr. Charles.  Once again he has put together a fantastic and heartfelt expression of the kinds of experiences he sees in medicine.  This time, he writes a very emotive piece based on empathy with a patient in poor condition.  I highly recommend you go read Sailing.  It’s beautiful and touching.

Take a look at this bug (click on it for a larger view).  Like Eric, I have no idea what it is, but it is quite impressive and a bit intimidating with what appears to be a harpoon stinger and Imperial Japanese markings.  Cool.

I just want to say I really like the new Old Navy commercials.  They’re hip, sexy, fun.  Disgusted by their original marketing campaign that reeked of campiness, constantly inundating me with vulgar displays of stupidity and lameness, I applaud whoever fired the last marketing manager and found someone with good ideas and the capacity to understand target markets.  I now find my toe tappin’ and my interest not intentionally diverted when their commercials air.

And finally, a classic example of reprioritization.  Republican Senator David Vitter from New Orleans said, “I don’t believe there’s any issue that’s more important than [stopping gay marriage].”  All you have to do is look at these pictures to understand why the Senator from New Orleans is completely out of touch.