Wash your hands and face before you go to bed

Kako climbed atop the printer, scrunched up the dust cover to make a somewhat more comfortable bed, then proceeded to wash her face and hands before nodding off to sleep.  In fact, watch her eyes at the end of the video and you’ll see how well it would have fit had I been sitting there saying “You’re getting very sleepy.  Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier…” until she finally zonked.

[video is in Windows Media Player (WMV) format; length is 1:54 (one minute and fifty-four seconds) and size is 3.58 MB (so be prepared for the download if you’re using dial-up)]

Free association

Because of yesterday’s “I ain’t got no internets access” fiasco and my subsequent focus on other things, I’m posting this week’s free association a day late.

  1. Newspaper ::
  2. Crucify ::
  3. Sausage ::
  4. Handy ::
  5. Cloak ::
  6. Drunk ::
  7. Fuel ::
  8. Caress ::
  9. Itch ::
  10. Vehicle ::

Continue reading

A little asteroid, a little stormy tango

From SpaceWeather.com:

ASTEROID FLYBY: One week from today, on July 3rd, asteroid 2004 XP14 will fly past Earth barely farther away than the Moon. There’s no danger of a collision, just a great photo-op for experienced amateur astronomers. The space rock is big enough (600 meters wide) and bright enough (11th magnitude) to see and photograph through backyard telescopes. Observing tips, a sky map and ephemerides are available at SpaceWeather.com.

RED vs. RED JR: Two of the biggest storms in the solar system are converging for a–what? A gentle bump? A ferocious collision? No one knows exactly what will happen in July when Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and its younger cousin Red Jr. get together. Astronomers are monitoring their convergence, and you can see one of the best recent images–in stereo–on SpaceWeather.com.

Unplugged for the day

I’ve been without internet access for most of the day and am only just getting back online.  Being separated from the digital world let me sit back and enjoy a lazy day with The Kids, knock a few chores off my list, do some reading, watch a movie and a bit of television, and otherwise revel in comfort and relaxation.

Rather than scramble as the hour is late, I’ll catch things up tomorrow.

Random Thought

…mid-eighteenth century America had a smaller proportion of church members than any other nation in Christendom… in 1800 [only] one of every fifteen Americans was a church member…

— Richard Hofstadter