Changing the Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts have long been front and center on this site, and they likewise were displayed in a static block on the front page of my old site.  That is changing.

To enable more direct and immediate discussion of any of them, and also to enable some additional functionality for them (e.g., being able to schedule them to appear in the future), I am moving the Random Thoughts from their current and prestigious position at the top of the front page.  They will now appear daily like regular posts.  I got away from this practice long ago because ultimately there were so many, but I was also not posting as regularly back then as I do now.  With more robust database support, that stopped being a technical concern when I made the leap to a new hardware platform followed by another jump to a new blogging platform.

I also plan to move the existing Random Thoughts archive into the same kind of individual posts.  That will take some time.  This move will not impact any of the Random Thought discussion threads that have taken place already.

In the meantime, I will remove their old placeholder on the index page until I figure out what to do with it.  I like having static content there that only appears on the front page.  I may go back to using that space the same way I did on my old site: as a “welcome” message area or to showcase current causes, items of note, or just mental spillage.  We’ll see.

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