The House kills its own version of the FMA

The Senate killed their own version of a federal gay marriage amendment in early June.  Despite that meaning anything the House of Representatives did would be moot, they tried anyway.  And they failed miserably to pass it.  By a margin of 47 votes needed for a two-thirds majority (necessary for a constitutional amendment).

Again I ask this very simple question of the “values” (what a horrendous violation of that word) voters who think attacking minorities is something to be proud of: Can we get back to the real business of the people?  Let’s set aside your stupidity and pandering and bigotry and hypocrisy and outright evil nature.  Let’s put our government back to work addressing important stuff.  You know, like education, security, health care, oversight of the out-of-control executive, crime, poverty, the federal deficit and out-of-control spending, and other real “values” issues that actually mean something to the country instead of just to a hateful little group of inhuman cretins.

Oh, and this kills the FMA idea for at least a year — and that means it can only come up after the midterm elections in November.  I for one hope those elections flip Congress on its head by placing a contrary representative group in power finally to put a stop to the President’s and Republicans’ devastating policies and practices.  To ensure no one thinks I’m being overly partisan, let me be clear: I don’t care what party gets elected; I only care that the Republican majority be dismantled.  That party has controlled the country for many years and has done nothing but squander the opportunity.  Let’s get some fresh blood in there and see if the situation can’t be improved a bit.

In the meantime, the conservative movement needs to be marginalized for a while so they can tend to their wounds and try to figure out where they went wrong.  Perhaps, if they get back on track, they’ll be worthy of consideration in the 2008 elections.

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