Open thread

Continuing yesterday’s deer and rabbit idea, go take a look at more from the same series.  They are so cute together.

And while we’re on the topic of cool animal pics, here’s another one with a very friendly and very tame juvenile elk (or, at least, I believe it’s a kind of elk, but I certainly could be wrong).  She’s so friendly, in fact, she came right up to the folks working at the cell site and accepted some scratches on the head.

I agree wholeheartedly.  The response to the latest terrorist plan to blow up planes using liquid explosives is beyond preposterous.  Makeup?  Baby formula?  Pouring all liquids into the same open container at the security line?  Our government demonstrates once again that causing panic and fear while going WAY overboard in their reaction is just business as usual — incompetence and stupidity.

So let’s finish that thought with Steinn’s comment: “As manufacturers of overprized disposable size toothpaste tubes rejoice, the rest of us contemplate the tantrums and boredom of travel with no water, juice, reading material or electronics… and that is without the kids. As usual, transport authorities are reacting and implementing meaningless nuisance measures in place of effective security.”

To interject: it’s a new war — the War on Liquid™.  I bet you can’t wait until the War on Gas™ and the War on Solid™ get going.  Where will we be then…

But before we leave the idea of that terrorism plot, did anyone notice that the US forced Britain to go public and move on the arrests before Britain wanted to?  You see, the British wanted to wait and watch a bit more so they could gather more intelligence and hopefully capture everyone involved.  The US wouldn’t let them.  Now we have some of those terrorists running loose because we moved too quickly.  That’s how our government works, you know.  Move as soon as possible so you can claim brownie points for arresting people even when such a move further endangers the population.  It’s not a War on Terror™.  It’s a freakish carnival sideshow being performed in hope of rewards on election day.

The proof is in!  For all the boneheads who have seen Jesus in a sweet bun or his-never-knocked-up-mother Mary in an un-flushed toilet, take a look at that photo.  It’s as undeniable as you can get: His Noodleness, Father of the Pastafarians, Creator of All, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real.  You can’t deny He has placed his image in the sky for all to see.  And that photo was taken by the military, not some brain-dead religious freak who can barely work a camera and sure as hell can’t speak English with a semblance of literacy.  This is real, folks.  So there to all you IDiots who say things were designed but you don’t know who the designer is.  Now, we can teach ID in the schools with this proof that the FSM really is the creator of all things.  Is that the sound of crickets I hear?  [via PZ; also, see this if you don’t have a clue what the FSM is or what it’s about]

Phil got a new puppy.  I love the online rename of Bad Dog to compensate.

Calendario Romano 2007: the 2007 Catholic priest calendar.  It’s like the Who’s Who of Pedophilia.  Okay, that was tacky and I’ll freely admit it, but can you deny the religion has earned the stigma?  Aside from that, I do likes me some Latin men, so I’ll take the following priests: the intro photo (#1), March (#4), April (#5), May (#6), June (#7), July (#8), August (#9), September (#10), October (#11), November (#12), December (#13).  I don’t know what it is about January (#2) and February (#3) that disinterests me, although I’ll admit February is starting to grow on me (pun intended).  [via Pam]

There are times when you’re forced to roll on the floor in uproarious laughter.  To wit: “AKRON, OH—Area resident Helen Crandall, 44, was arrested by Akron police Sunday, charged with conducting an elaborate “sex for security” scam in which she allegedly defrauded husband Russell Crandall out of nearly $230,000 in cash, food, clothing and housing over the past 19 years using periodic offers of sexual intercourse.”  You’ve got to love The Onion.  Good stuff, Maynard!  [via Eric]

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