The world’s spiraling down the shari’ah drain

First it was “Don’t print those Muhammad cartoons as they may offend Muslims.”  Next it was “Don’t carry or sell magazines that dared print the Muhammad cartoons for fear they may offend Muslims.”  Now it’s “Don’t give that five-year-old girl a passport because you can see her shoulders in the photo and that might offend Muslims.”

A five-year-old girl had her passport form rejected when an official said the bare shoulders on her photograph could offend Muslims.

The post office assistant stunned Hannah Edwards’s parents by claiming the skin exposed by her daughter’s halter-neck dress would not be accepted by the Passport Office as it might prove unacceptable in a Muslim country.

And here’s the photo in question:

Hannah Edwards' passport photo

Like me, I’m sure you can’t believe what you’re seeing.  That poor girl is damn near nekkid in that photo.  How dare her parents expose her to the world in such a manner.  Why, they ought to be arrested for that.

Give me a fucking break!

I am so tired of this overly sensitive approach to religious beliefs.  Why do I care if you think showing some skin like this little girl is somehow offensive?  Because, truth be told, I couldn’t possibly care less.  That’s your problem, not mine.  If you wear your faith on your shoulder and get offended when it’s ticked off by some unsuspecting human who doesn’t happen to share your beliefs, you’re the idiot who should be denied your next breath.

And it’s not just Muslims who have this particular market cornered, although they do tend to riot and murder and kill more easily than most in present days.  Christians and Jews and Hindus and every other cult on the planet is just as guilty of trying to push their mythology on everyone else regardless of who believes what.  And it’s pathetic.  It’s nothing more than the latest example of small-minded followers who can’t think for themselves, who are always looking for the next good reason to cause death and destruction, who want nothing more than to cram their own intolerance down the throats of humankind, and who couldn’t wipe their own asses if it wasn’t in the bible, the qur’an, the torah/talmud, the bhagavadgiitaa, or in any number of other texts written by men and passed off as the inspired work of some non-existent tyrannical deity or deities.

Listen up, all you clueless religion believers: I’m sick of your shit.  I’m sick of hearing about what you believe and what you think the rest of us should be doing because it’s what you believe.  If you’re so ignorant that you can’t live a good life without reading it in some bigoted writings that teach hate, intolerance, hypocrisy, and evil, then so be it.  But keep your sorry shit to yourself and stop forcing it on everyone else as though you’ve mastered the art of being humane through such lunacy.  It’s just not true — and by that I mean your beliefs and your self-centered view of perfection.

You see, I don’t give a flying fuck what you believe or think.  I neither care about nor intend to follow whatever it is you think we should all be doing to satisfy your need to control other people.  I despise your beliefs.  I think you’re dumber than a wet sack of hair for even believing in mythology.  I’m tired of you fighting against secular governments and wholesome people just because they don’t share the same obliviousness with which you are cursed.

Your gods are all false.  Your beliefs are so obtuse that you’re actually moving backward in relation to those of us who aren’t quite as gullible.  Your texts are evil and teach evil and spread evil and, if I didn’t already say it, are evil.

So tell your god or gods to go fuck himself/herself/themselves.  And you do the same if all you want to do is subject the world to such meaningless nonsense.  Either keep it to yourself or commit suicide — and for the latter, make sure you don’t hurt anyone else in the process.

Yes, I’m quite sick of the whole religious thing now, and I’m not putting up with it anymore.

From now on, here’s my response: “Fuck. Your. Faith.”

[via Brain Terminal]

[Update]: For all of those I know personally who live by some religious creed, I know you understand where this is coming from and that it’s not meant personally.  I would hope anyone reading this is smart enough to comprehend the true meaning of my insolence.

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