Whence comes this unending sorrow?

Despite being written about a completely different situation, let me repost this snippet from something completely unrelated.

Listless and melancholy.  Absorbed in otherwise mundane tasks consuming too much time.  Afraid of change yet desperately seeking it nonetheless.  Lonely without being alone.  Crying in the emptiness of time forever lost to me.  Yesterdays breeding lamentations, todays overflowing with heartache, and tomorrows forever betraying life with promises unfulfilled.  Existing without touching the world or being touched by it.  Hopeless repetition.  Thoughts locked away in dungeons of professionalism.  Mired in ruts of survival.  Dreams undreamt, dashed against the rocky shores of oceanic desolation.  Parched lips of mind and soul eternally unable to quench my thirst for living.  Tormented by sorrows deep.  Regrets springing forth at every turn.  A cacophony of demands inundating me from all directions.  Still, I disregard that which is most important and allow myself to linger in this place.

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