Open thread

Like Rumsfeld before him and Condolezza Rice’s recent comparison of war critics to supporters of slavery (told, of course, only to a black audience), Bush recently compared to Nazis those who dissent with his administration and its policies.  Typical.  As with Rumsfeld, Keith Olbermann responds with mordant clarity.  You can see the video of his response here.

PZ’s Friday Cephalopod is not only a great photo, but he also explains why a male octopus often looks as though he only has seven tentacles instead of the expected eight.

Visit Friday Ark #103 throughout the weekend for links to all sorts of animal photos.

Always count on The Editors for great kitten photos!

And speaking of great photos, how adorable is this!

This is just plain dumb.  You can’t take toothpaste or mouthwash or shampoo on a plane (among a great many other liquids), but you can take “personal lubricants”?  WTF?  As PZ says, “National security will not be allowed to deter new recruits to the Mile-High Club.”  This is your government protecting you.  Ha!

Fascinating!  “More than one-third of the giant planet systems recently detected outside our solar system may harbor Earth-like planets, according to a new study by scientists associated with NASA’s Astrobiology Institute. Many of these planets may be covered in deep global oceans, with abundant potential for life.”

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