Are you not aware of your own church’s history?

The ignorant Nazi Pope has once again stuffed his foot in his mouth while simultaneously pissing off every Muslim around the globe.  Not too long ago, he made clear Turkey should not be a part of Europe because it was, essentially, an alien culture that didn’t fit.  This time, he quoted a 14th century Christian emperor who accused the Prophet Muhammad and all of Islam of being “evil and inhuman” — which, I might add, certainly did not go very far in making Muslims feel good about what Pope Bein’-A-Dick had to say.

To understand the problem, here’s the quote proffered by the papal idiot: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

Anger is mounting rapidly as this is seen by many to be the opening volley between Christianity and Islam.  What a mean-spirited and hateful little man the Pope has turned out to be.  His Nazi roots are showing, I’m afraid.

The Vatican, of course, is stepping backward as quickly as possible by explaining away the remarks as having been misinterpreted.  Huh?  You outright say an entire religion is “evil and inhuman” and offer no clarification on whether you agree with the sentiment or not, and then you expect everyone to believe you when you say that’s not really what you meant?  Are you people on crack?  If so, you need to stop.  If not, you need to start.  Either way, you’re not in touch with reality.

I suspect the perpetually pontificating pontiff is not familiar with the history of the Catholic Church, or all of Christianity for that matter.  Heard of the Crusades?  The Inquisition (which Catholics didn’t stop until the mid-1960s)?  Need more examples?

Tell me if any of these ring a bell: burning witches at the stake, murdering those who did not believe what the church was spewing, ruining the lives of anyone accused of not being a card-carrying member of the religious establishment, whoring itself to state after state in order to control governments and citizens with the iron hand of hate, using torture to convert, stealing on scales heretofore seen only with rogue states, and supporting the Nazis.

All of these examples and many more describe accurately the history of Christianity, and all of them describe the Catholic Church.

Bein’-A-Dick is as clueless as he is spiteful.  He and his ilk are once again using the church to drive wedges between differing faiths, believers and non-believers, crotchety old religious assholes and young people with new ideas about tolerance and respect, heterosexuals and homosexuals, and the list goes on.  This is the new Catholic Church, my friends, an organization that advocates ignoring its own heinous past while lobbing hurtful accusations and insults at everyone else.

He apparently doesn’t smell the bullshit piled up in his own barn.  What a clueless demonizing hatemonger.  Why doesn’t he just put the swastika back on his uniform and stop pretending he left all that behind after Hitler’s death?  He has done nothing but alienate the world and preach bigotry, prejudice, and hatred since he came to power.  Think about his remarks throughout his term (and these are only the examples I’ve commented on): preaching is more important than helping those in need, and religion is being hurt because scientific rationality is becoming widespread; there is no authentic value or beauty in non-heterosexual relationships because they are purely banal and hedonistic, gay relationships are an expression of “anarchic freedom”, and homosexuals are not members of true families because they lack “affection and mutual understanding”; and (via a spokesperson) gays in Israel “contradict the sacred nature of Jerusalem”.

Let’s remind the bonehead what he himself said in February of this year: “In the current international context, the Catholic Church remains convinced that to encourage peace and understanding between peoples and individuals it is necessary and urgent that religions and their symbols be respected, and that the faithful not be subjected to provocations injuring their outlook and religious feelings.”  I didn’t agree with the sentiment then and I don’t agree with it now, but I point that out because this ambassador of ill will has done precisely what he was telling others not to do.  Typical religious hypocrisy: do as we say and not as we do.  That’s something the Catholic Church has always been good at; just ask all the abused children to see what I mean.

Needless to say, it’s quite possible the rabidly megalomaniacal and odiously insincere dick has elicited via his most recent remarks some inbound terrorism against his little cult.  Already there have been repeated firebombings of an Anglican church and an Orthodox church in Nablus (in the West Bank).  Muslims around the globe are growing increasingly upset and the Church has refused to apologize.  Again, I think this is just getting started, and he’s to blame.

I’ll say it again because he obviously doesn’t listen: Pope Benedict XVI needs to shut the fuck up!

[Update] I do want to add that there is a great deal of irony in Muslims being upset they were called “evil and inhuman” for wanting to spread their faith “by the sword”, and some of them show their displeasure by being “evil and inhuman” and rampaging violently around the globe.  Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you get to say so, right?

[Update 2] So the Vatican offers an apology of sorts, but it doesn’t come directly from the Pope (isn’t it nice to be able to say something and not have to personally deal with the repercussions?).  The money quote: “‘The Holy Father is very sorry that some passages of his speech may have sounded offensive to the sensibilities of Muslim believers,’ said Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone in a statement.”  Yes, that should take care of it.  Blame Muslim sensibilities instead of saying we used a really mean quote and didn’t bother to tell you whether or not we agreed with it.  I’m sure things will smooth over before morning with that heartfelt insult apology.

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