Open thread

Don’t miss Carnival of the Cats #132.

I’m wondering where the Christian right is in the whole Foley disaster.  So far, the only thing they’ve said (via their codpiece mouthpiece Dobson over at Focus on Fucking up the Family) is that the internet is to blame, as is an “oversexualized society,” instead of Foley himself being responsible for, well, being a pedophile who enjoys stalking underage children via the internet.  Aside from that, Christians seem to think this was all perfectly okay and obviously don’t understand why anyone would be upset about a 53-year-old man asking a teenage boy to measure his penis.  I don’t get it.  Where are the values, people?  Where’s all that moral superiority that the right is supposed to have?  Has all the indignation been expended on gays and Muslims so that there’s none left for a Republican child predator?  Where’s the anger?  All I see is spin and more spin from those trying to excuse the entire ordeal as though it only counts if it’s a Democrat president with a consenting adult, but a Republican Representative with teenage boys is a nonissue.  I’m so disgusted.

It’s also been revealed that GOP leadership in Congress tried to broker a deal with ABC News last Friday that would have kept hidden the most lurid details of Foley’s escapades in pursuit of sex with children.  They’d been covering it up since at least autumn of 2005, and they warned Republican pages to be careful of Foley back in 2001 (note that no such warning was shared with Democrats or their pages), and suddenly their only interest was to hide the truth as they had been doing all along.  Again, I’m so disgusted.

The Washington Times says Dennis Hastert should resign over the Foley scandal.  That’s major news coming from the propaganda arm of the Republican party.

Grand rounds volume 3 number 2 is up and running, so go check it out for the best from the medical blogosphere.

This picture is really cute, but beyond the kitten factor is the quality and setting.  Wonderful!

Hackers know about major flaws in Mozilla Firefox but refuse to share the details with the people who could fix them.  Why?  They say: “It is a double-edged sword, but what we’re doing is really for the greater good of the Internet. We’re setting up communication networks for black hats.”  What does that mean?  They’re using the flaws to help very bad people gain control of a lot of computers so they can use them for nefarious purposes.  Sure, that’s the greater good…  Assholes.

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