Anyone figured it out yet?

I’m just wondering if anyone has figured out where “Darkness Comes to Kingswell” is going.  There are approximately 3-6 posts left before the story is complete.  At this point, I’ve offered most—but not all—of the clues necessary to decipher what’s really happening and the possible ending.  At least I think I have.

I’m posing a serious question here because, as a writer, I want to know how predictable this is.  There’s more to learn and more to be revealed in the last handful of entries.  That said, I think there’s enough information available now for readers to have a decent chance at predicting the foundation and course.  I’ve also left a lot of loopholes to try and make that difficult, so maybe I’ve not been obvious.  I already know where it’s going and that probably severely taints my view of that aspect, so I could be wrong.

I’d really like to hear your ideas.  I still think there are some surprises in store, some shocks even (okay, that one is almost a given as far as I’m concerned).  I’d really like to know at this point in the story what you think is really happening and what’s going to happen to the remaining characters.

There is no right and no wrong in the possibilities.  Only I know the final answers; only I know how it will unfold.  But I’m extremely interested in hearing where you’ve been led up to this point and how you see it finishing.  The whole idea behind this exercise was for me to get some feedback on not only the story, but on the writing itself, so you can talk about that as well.  In that regard, I’d only remind you this is a first-pass draft that you’re seeing as it develops.  Sure, the whole thing is already outlined in my head, but all I know is what the point is, what’s really happening, how it will end, and who the basic characters are.  I didn’t know everything when I started writing it and can tell you there’s a lot of stuff in it that I’d never considered (that’s how I write; I start detailing the idea and let it unfold, sometimes without knowing where it’s going).  Nevertheless, I’d be interested in critiques of the form as much as the story (from what you know at this point).

But I’m also interested in your predictions for the story’s path.  As I delve further into writing, part of that will be trying my best to not give away too much before the appropriate time, and that’s why I’m asking now for opinions.

Then again, there’s nothing that says you have to offer an opinion at this point.  You might be reading it for entertainment purposes only and not really thinking about where it’s going.  That’s just fine as well because my attempt at writing is obviously going to be hinged greatly on wanting to make a living from it (i.e., I’d love to write and sell enough books to keep me afloat, and my imagination tends to run way into the realm of the bizarre and unusual anyway).

So, if you have an idea of what’s happening and where it might all end, and if you are interested in offering that opinion, please go ahead because I’d love to hear what you’re thinking.  If you’re just along for the ride, then hang on.  The story will be done in the next few days (two or three, maybe four at most).  No one’s fate is written in stone yet (according to the story; in my mind, on the other hand, yes) and there are still unanswered questions, I think.  Hopefully it’ll be a good experience for you.  It’s certainly been fun and a great exercise for me.

Oh, and one more thing.  At the end of it, I will want to hear your honest opinions about the whole of the story.  Keeping in mind it’s a draft, I’m practically going to beg for feedback on the form, style, story, characters, and so on.  I’ll be interested in as little or as much as you’ll offer, as critical or praising or whatever as it will be, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

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